Virtual Events
Canadian Congress on Disability Inclusion | May 26-27, 2022
The first Canadian Congress on Disability Inclusion (CCDI 2022) was more than a conference – it was the Government of Canada’s new annual milestone event to kick-start National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) celebrations.
The virtual platform contained built-in pre-sets to ensure it is Epilepsy safe, ADHD friendly and accessible for persons with low vision or who are blind. The platforms met the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requirements at the 2.1 AA level and allowed participants to customize content and colour.
The event was provided in English, French, American Sign Language and Langue des signes Québécoise interpretation as well as English and French captioning.
York university
York U Alumni Awards | 18 November 2021
The York University community attended the virtual event, an evening of entertainment and celebration to honour the accomplishment of four Alumni Award recipients. The event was hosted by Shahir Massoud, author, chef and co-host of CBC’s The Goods, and Glendon grad Moboluwajidide “Bo” Joseph. The event was attended by more than 200 people.
HRM Connections Speed Mentoring & Networking | 26 January 2021
Students in the School of Human Resources Management were treated to an evening of expert advice and candid feedback from York alumni at the Connections Speed Mentoring and Networking event hosted by the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies development team.
More than 20 LA&PS alumni mentors met online with 75 students, over three speed-mentoring rounds and topical networking sessions in Zoom breakout rooms.
Moving Forward Webinars | October 2020 – Present
Launched in September 2020, the Moving Forward series invites students, alumni, faculty, staff and other friends of York into meaningful conversations about how to “move forward” in uncertain times. The series covers a range of topics such as women in leadership, entrepreneurship, how companies are tackling COVID and the benefits of various York degrees.
Queen’s University Virtual Homecoming | 17 October 2020
Queen’s University welcomed alumni from around the world to participate in a virtual homecoming event. The event was co-hosted by CBC broadcaster and Queen’s alumni Shelagh Rogers along with the head of the Alumni Association, Rico Garcia. Along with a 2.5 hour main show filled with alumni awards, musical performances and nostalgic videos, Queen’s also hosted 9 separate one-hour Faculty sessions on the same day.
More than 2,000 alumni attended this engaging event!
Dinner on the Pacific Plate by Point Reyes National Seashore Association | 10 October 2020
Dinner on the Pacific Plate is an annual event that was taken virtual in 2020. The event raised funds so Point Reyes National Seashore Association can provide support for the habitat and trail restoration, wildlife and endangered species protection, volunteer programs, environmental education programs for people of all ages and backgrounds, and scholarships that allow under-resourced children to connect to and understand the natural world.
Bolinas Museum 28th Annual Benefit Art Auction | 12 September 2020
The Annual Benefit Art Auction was hosted virtually where more than fifty works of art and special offers were available to bid on. The event was hosted by Bolinas Museum Board member, artist, and art educator, Janis Yerington and long-time museum fan Syd Mintz, a beloved rabbi at Temple Emanuel in San Francisco. The event also heard from auction artists and announced Daily Drawing winners, all in support of the Bolinas Museum and in celebration of art, history, culture and community.
JVS SHIFT Virtual Panel – Adapting to the Future of Healthcare Delivery | 4 August 2020
This webinar brought in 4 keynote speakers to discuss how COVID has impacted the Healthcare industry and how people can overcome the challenges in the workplace brought about by COVID.